Surrogacy is an arrangement between an infertile couple and a woman who agrees to get pregnant through ART and where the embryo implanted in the women is usually processed from the gametes of the infertile couple. This pregnancy is then continued and child is delivered and handed over to the couple to whom she has agreed to become a surrogate.
- The female partner has absent uterus (Congenital or acquired after operation).
- Abnormalities of uterus shape, size, post surgery scar or pathology of placenta.
- Repeated IVF failure
- Severe medical disorders where pregnancy may threaten life of the women- uncontrolled & severe diabetes, hypertension, severe cardiac disease, kidney disorders etc.
- The first step is investigating the infertile couple for capability of donation for sperms and eggs.
- Simultaneous selection and counselling of the surrogate mother.
- Next is stimulation, extraction of eggs from the donor followed by fertilization and then culture in lab.
- This is followed by transfer of the fertilized egg to the uterus of the surrogate mother.
Indian government has recently proposed a Surrogacy Bill in which it has banned commercial surrogacy and mainly foreigners cannot use Indian surrogate mothers. It has legalized surrogacy only for infertile heterosexual married Indian couples who are married for more than 5 years. Secondly, a close relative of the infertile couple can approached for surrogacy while commercial surrogate mother is not allowed.
Surrogacy has different meanings to each person it touches. For the to-be parents, it is the blessing to finally complete their beautiful family by realising the long-cherished dream of parenthood. For surrogates, it is a lifetime opportunity to help a couple who needs a baby. Surrogacy is an incredible journey and a life-changing experience for both.
Intended parents may come from different walks of life - who have struggled to realise their dream of parenthood after exhausting their fertility treatment options. However, each of these intended parents has a single objective in common: a strong and long-cherished dream to add to their beautiful families. For these individuals and couples, surrogacy is what makes their dream possible.
You can contact Prime IVF Centre, the most trusted surrogacy centre in Gurgaon, to find a surrogate to realise your dreams of parenthood. We help you access hassle-free surrogacy in Gurgaon at a budget-friendly surrogacy cost in Gurgaon.
The benefits of surrogacy are countless, such as:
- It allows single people, infertile couples, and LGBT community members to become proud parents.
- In most cases, one or both parents may be allowed by gestational surrogacy to be biologically associated with the child.
- Intended parents are allowed to be an integral part of many important milestones of parenthood, from the transfer of the embryo to the birth of the baby.
- Surrogacy gives the opportunity to intended parents to raise a baby from birth.
- It also gives a wonderful opportunity to the intended parents to know and nurture a special bond with the surrogate mother and her family.
- Intended parents don't have to face countless restrictions as compared to adoption.
- Surrogates are physically capable of delivering a healthy baby as they may already be a part of pregnancies in the past.
- Surrogacy helps intended parents by giving them more peace of mind and control throughout the duration of pregnancy as compared to adoption or fertility treatments.