Multiple IVF Failure

Don’t Give Up! Achieve Pregnancy after Repeated IVF Failure at Prime IVF

Multiple IVF Failure

March 23, 2025

What are multiple IVF failures?

When a woman is unable to conceive repeatedly three times it is said to be multiple IVF failures. Multiple IVF failure happens when women go through three recurrent IVF failures with good quality embryos. In the elaborate definition of multiple IVF failures, the age of the women and the stage of the embryo should be taken into consideration.

When the implantation of embryos does not occur successfully the IVF fails. The failure of implantation can be a result of uterine, embryo factors, or sperm issues. In IVF failure treatment, doctors investigate the etiologies of the failure as there are several complex variables on which IVF success depends.

What are the factors responsible for multiple IVF failures?

The crucial and important variables involved in successful in vitro fertilization are a uterus that is capable of nurturing the embryo, a healthy egg, and functional sperm. Apart from these variables, other factors play an important role in a successful pregnancy. These factors can impact the success or failure rate of IVF. The factors that are responsible for multiple IVF failures are listed below.

Abnormality in egg or age of the egg

Abnormality in the egg is the frequent cause of failure in IVF treatment. The egg can lead to abnormal embryos causing IVF failure. Unequal distribution of chromosomes during the gamete formation might lead to the formation of abnormal eggs, which results in defects in embryos.

Generally, embryos from the egg of women in their 40s have a higher chance of having an abnormal number of chromosomes. To avoid failure rate in recurrent IVF treatment doctors culture multiple eggs for the formation of the embryo so that they can select the one which is meeting the criteria for transfer.

Poor quality of embryos

It is not always the egg's fault in the failure of IVF; sometimes, poor quality of embryo can lead to failure of IVF cycles. At times, embryos are not implanted properly after they are transferred into the uterus. This might be due to a defective embryo.

Some embryos are defective even before they are placed in the uterus, which leads to IVF failure. The embryo can look healthy in the lab but still cannot implant after getting transferred. To overcome this issue, multiple embryos are used.


The sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons behind IVF failures. The couples have unhealthy habits that can impact the health of egg or sperm leading to the defective embryo. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol three months before IVF treatment is mandatory for increasing success rates.

What are the reasons for IVF failure?

Reasons for IVF failures are:

  • The quality of the embryo is not adequate.
  • Women's ovaries didn't respond to the treatment of IVF.
  • Abnormality in the chromosome of the developing embryo can lead to recurrent failure of IVF treatment.

What are the tests to identify the cause of IVF failure?

Repeated IVF failure treatment with no success is traumatizing for patients. Several tests are proposed by doctors to identify the cause of IVF failure. The tests help in achieving a successful pregnancy next time. The tests are:

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This test is conducted for uterine evaluation. The doctors evaluating repeated IVF failure treatment believe that it is better to conduct an examination of the uterus before the IVF treatment. This test looks at the uterus and fallopian tubes to check any abnormality in the female reproductive organ.

Sperm DNA fragmentation test

Another test that has gained interest among doctors is the sperm DNA fragmentation test. This test looks at the integrity of DNA in the sperm. It detects if the sperm has a high level of DNA fragmentation.

Immunological tests

The test checks for any immunological abnormalities in the patient.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy(PGT-A)

Many couples experience abnormal division of chromosomes, which can fail IVF treatment. PGT-A is a test in which the cells of the developing embryo are taken and tested to check the chromosome content. The embryos which have normal chromosome are selected for transfer to the uterus. It helps in reducing miscarriages.

The solution to multiple IVF at Prime IVF

We ensure that you have successful IVF treatment at Prime IVF. The solution we provide:

  • Evaluation and diagnosis of the medical history of patients.
  • Commencement of the treatment- We provide tailored tests for patients for the treatment of multiple IVF failure treatments in Delhi. After tests, medications are provided for the production of several eggs to reduce the possibility of failure. The patient is taken into observation to monitor the treatment of the patient.

Our holistic approach towards IVF failure

Prime IVF is a Delhi-based best IVF centre in Gurgaon that has a cohesive team of dedicated doctors with state-of-the-art equipment. Each patient is treated with care and utmost respect is given to their journey of parenthood.

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