Hormonal Treatment

When a couple is not able to have a child, this could be a result of hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Treatment

March 23, 2025

Hormonal Treatment

When a couple is not able to have a child, this could be a result of hormonal imbalance. When the treatment is done to bring back those hormones in balance, the chances of pregnancy are increased by a good rate. Basically, the results of hormonal treatment are to promote egg maturation as well as to stimulate ovulation. These are the two major areas whose absence causes a failure in pregnancy. After the hormonal treatment is done, it increases the rate of fertility and hence the success rate is increased by 10% to 20%. This treatment is easy to perform and can be completed in several months in a number of cycles.

When there is an imbalance in estrogen, there is no ovulation which barriers pregnancy. Going through a hormonal treatment can bring estrogen in level and hence the chances of ovulation also increases. When you visit our clinic, the doctors will diagnose the hormones that are present in excess or lack and will start with the hormonal treatment accordingly. After your diagnosis and third day of your menstruation, the treatment is given a start. The necessary medications are given orally or are injected into your body which is responsible to bring those hormonal levels in control. On the eighth day of menstruation, blood test and ultrasound are done to look at the progress of ovulation. According to the progress made, there are changes made in the hormonal treatment for the future.

However, there are some side effects that one may experience while going through hormonal treatment. Some of these side effects include headaches, depressive moods, and hyperstimulation. Before starting with the treatment, At Prime IVF, our team of doctors will let you know about the same. Also, they will guide you with some ways to deal with the same during hormonal treatment.

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