What Does Leuprolide Do for IVF?

- 27 Oct, 2022
- IVF and Infertility
- infertility
- Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Nishi Singh
- Author: Prime IVF Centre
As you proceed through your fertility treatments, a particular type of injection is required during the entire cycle. This injection is known as Leuprolide Acetate. It is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone mainly prescribed for IVF cycles.
The primary function of Leuprolide is to reduce the estrogen level, regulating the production of the luteinizing hormone and the Follicle Stimulating Hormone. It is commonly available in the market as Luperon, Lupride, …..etc. This article will discuss the Leuprolide working mechanism and usage during IVF.
Leuprolide Working Mechanism
Leuprolide helps suppress the release of pituitary hormones. These are the FSH, also known as Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), and the LH or Luteinizing Hormones. These hormones are responsible for producing estrogen. Leuprolide suppresses these hormones to the same level they are visible in menopause.
To induce ovulation, Leuprolide reduces the interference of the pituitary gland with the development of eggs when the FSH and HMG are administered. This synthetic hormone is issued following a specific protocol during IVF to optimize its functions.
The Leuprolide Down Protocol
The Leuprolide medicine comes with a two-week kit containing 2.8 ml of Leuprolide acetate and 14 syringes for the subcutaneous injection. The vial consists of leuprolide acetate, which possesses 20 units for 14 days. Generally, the protocols start with 20 units for 14 days.
However, IVF routines can begin with 10 units and then decrease to 5. The other two types of Leuprolide Dose available are as follows.
Microdose Leuprolide
Leuprolide Acetate is prepared in microdoses in the pharmacy. It is best to dilute Leuprolide Acetate from its full strength to the strength recommended by the doctor. Generally, 50 mcg in 10 units is the most typical dilution. This dilution is frequently employed when there is a history of inadequate response.
Single Dose Leuprolide
A Leuprolide trigger is made in the pharmacy. Its purpose is to mature the eggs for retrieval. However, you must consider one thing. If Leuprolide has already been used during stimulation, it cannot be used as a trigger. Generally, the Leuprolide trigger medication is available in a one-dose vial and comes with a syringe.
Timeline for Leuprolide Use
You generally have to use the Leuprolide injectable in three phases, which are given below.
Phase 1
It is generally one week before ovarian stimulation. You will begin with Leuprolide injections after the natural ovulation has been completed.
Phase 2
You will continue receiving Leuprolide. In this case, the dose is generally lowered.
Phase 3
It occurs 36 hours before egg retrieval. The injections are stopped before the HCG shot induces the final mature eggs.
The Leuprolide doses are repetitive, but it is vital to follow the schedule for the administration.

Leuprolide Administration Process
Leuprolide is injected into the fatty tissue that lies underneath the skin. It means that they are injected subcutaneously. Generally, for better results, Leuprolide is injected into the abdomen two inches beside the navel or the outer region of the thigh.
So, the following steps are performed to administer the Leuprolide injection. You can ask any medical expert to complete these or follow these steps yourself.
- Step 1: You and your medical expert will wash your hands and sanitize the place.
- Step 2: You will be asked to lie on a clean, sanitized surface.
- Step 3: Then, a clean syringe is taken, and the medication is filled into it, ensuring there is no air in the vial.
- Step 4: A spot is selected on the abdomen, two inches from the navel.
- Step 5: The needle is held at a 45-degree angle before the injection site.
- Step 6: Then, the syringe is injected quickly.
These steps are to be followed each time a dose is taken if you want to reap the benefits of Leuprolide and have a successful IVF.
Benefits of Leuprolide Therapy
Leuprolide is majorly used for ovulation induction as it allows an excellent response to the gonadotropins in women during their IVF cycles. The pregnancy rates on Leuprolide are generally successful as the possibility of canceled cycles gets reduced.
Also, Leuprolide therapy helps to cure uterine fibroids and improves the chances of pregnancy. However, it causes a rapid drop in estrogen levels. Thus, all embryos that are created are cryopreserved.
Leuprolide is an excellent help during IVF, and its benefits significantly outweigh its side effects.
Side Effects of Leuprolide
Leuprolide puts the body in a temporary menopausal condition. Thus, the most common side effects are similar to what women experience during menopause. They include headaches, mood swings, general body aches, nausea, acne, upset stomach, edema, and hot flashes.
During the initial days of the medication, some women experience mild retention of fluids, breast tenderness, and symptoms to indicate that their period is about to begin. You can also experience itching and swelling at the injection site. However, in case of any extremities, make sure to consult with your gynecologist.
You will be relieved to note that various ways to counter these side effects exist. It is majorly recommended that a vaginal lubricant be used during intercourse to avoid vaginal dryness. You can also take pain medications to relieve body aches and headaches. Thus, you can manage the side effects of Leuprolide and have a fulfilling IVF experience.
Summing Up
Leuprolide medication has shown a high success rate in the case of fertility treatments and generally is administered in most IVF cycles. However, if you are experiencing any side effects, get in touch with a proper medical expert.
1. How is Leuprolide acetate injection used in IVF?
Leuprolide acetate injection is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone that is commonly prescribed during IVF cycles. Its primary function is to reduce estrogen levels and regulate the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). By suppressing these hormones, Leuprolide helps in controlling the development of eggs and optimizing the IVF process.
2. Will I get my period while on Lupron for IVF?
While using Leuprolide, it is common for women to experience changes in their menstrual cycle. The medication temporarily puts the body in a menopausal state, and as a result, some women may have lighter or no periods during this time. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions regarding the administration of Leuprolide and discuss any concerns or changes in your menstrual cycle with your healthcare provider.
3. What are the uses of Lupride injection?
Lupride injection, which contains Leuprolide, is commonly used in various fertility treatments, including IVF. It is primarily used to suppress the release of pituitary hormones like LH and FSH, which in turn helps regulate estrogen levels and control the development of eggs. Lupride is also used to treat conditions such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.
4. How is Leuprolide injection administered?
Leuprolide injection is administered subcutaneously, which means it is injected into the fatty tissue just below the skin. The most common injection sites are the abdomen, about two inches beside the navel, or the outer region of the thigh. It is important to follow proper hygiene practices, clean the injection site, and use a clean syringe to ensure safe administration of the medication.
5. What are the possible side effects of Leuprolide injection?
Leuprolide injection may cause side effects similar to those experienced during menopause since it temporarily induces a menopausal state in the body. These side effects can include headaches, mood swings, body aches, nausea, acne, upset stomach, edema, and hot flashes. Some women may also experience mild fluid retention, breast tenderness, and symptoms resembling an upcoming menstrual period. It is important to consult with your gynecologist if you experience any severe or persistent side effects.
6. How does Leuprolide help in IVF cycles?
Leuprolide plays a crucial role in IVF cycles by suppressing the release of pituitary hormones and reducing estrogen levels. By doing so, it prevents premature ovulation and helps to synchronize the development of multiple eggs during ovarian stimulation. This controlled stimulation allows for a more successful response to other fertility medications used in IVF and improves the chances of a successful pregnancy.
7. Can Leuprolide be used as a trigger medication for egg retrieval?
Leuprolide can be used as a trigger medication to stimulate the final maturation of eggs before the egg retrieval procedure in IVF. However, it's important to note that if Leuprolide has already been used during ovarian stimulation, it cannot be used as a trigger. In such cases, other medications such as human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) are used as the trigger medication instead.