Male Infertility: What Are Treatment Options Available

- 25 May, 2021
- IVF and Infertility
- infertility
- Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Nishi Singh
- Author: Prime IVF Centre
It is taboo in certain societies to consider that men can ever have infertility issues. Women are always blamed for not being able to conceive or for being infertile. But, Infertility in men is becoming a lot more prominent and around 40%-50% of the infertility cases are because of the importance of a man to cause pregnancy in a fertile woman.
Low quality of sperm produced or sperm dysfunction caused by hormonal discrepancies is the reasons for male infertility. Some are even caused due to blockages in the male reproductive system which do not allow efficient delivery of sperms. Approximately 7% of men face this problem of male factor infertility. There are options available that can help you find solutions for infertility treatment for men.
This article provides you with different diagnosis and a variety of options for the best male infertility treatment in Delhi especially for those men dealing with infertility issues.
Table of Contents
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
- How Male Reproductive System Work?
Testosterone: Mainly produced by Leydig cells (present in the testes in men), and the meagre amount is produced by adrenal glands, helps in the development of male characteristics such as muscle mass, strength, facial hair growth, bone mass, fat distribution, and even sex drive.
Follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH: The process of production of sperm is called spermatogenesis. FSH produced by the pituitary gland regulates the entire process of sperm production.
Luteinizing hormone: Similar to FSH, a luteinizing hormone produced by the pituitary gland acts as a stimulator and helps stimulate the testosterone hormone that is necessary for spermatogenesis.
- Understanding Male Infertility.
Azoospermia: It is a condition where sperms are not produced at all. There is a complete lack of sperm production and alarmingly this condition accounts for 15% of the infertile male population. Generally, it is caused by hormonal imbalances. Hormonal fluctuations can be analysed by a hormone testing module.
Obstructive azoospermia: It is a condition where there is a blockage of any part of the male reproductive organ or duct-like the testicles, vas deferens, epididymis, urethra or the ejaculatory ducts. These blockages can be detected by ultrasound of the testicles and prostate region.
Oligospermia:Under this condition, the sperms produced are less in number that may be caused due to an enlargement of a vein in the testicle. This enlargement leads to abnormal blood flow resulting in a condition called varicocele. Ultrasound and even semen analysis can check the morphology and motility of sperms.
Spermatogenesis function can be impaired at high temperatures, or by urinary tract disorders, endocrine defects or genetic disorders. These may result in oligospermia and hampers sperm quality. Genetic testing can be considered to find the presence of inherited genetic conditions if any.
Some people can have ejaculation problems where the semen enters the bladder at the time of ejaculation. This condition is called retrograde ejaculation and can be diagnosed by a urine analysis post ejaculation.
Certain Lifestyle and Environmental factors including smoking, alcohol intake, the inclusion of certain medications and drugs, constant exposure to radiations from a laptop, mobile or X-rays can slowly cause hormone dysfunction, and reduce sperm count.
- Treatment options for male infertility
Surgical sperm recovery: It is a microsurgical procedure to collect sperms from men who either have a low sperm count or no sperms. It is a small surgery performed as a daycare procedure involving different retrieval techniques that can be done depending on the condition and requirement of the patient. They are :
TESE ( Testicular sperm extraction ): Also known as testicular fine needle aspiration is mostly suitable for those who have conditions such as obstructive azoospermia, or blocked ducts, or even have less sperm count. Here, a small amount of the testes tissue is extracted for processing and production of sperms.
PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): This procedure uses a microneedle to extract the sperms directly from the epididymis through the scrotal skin. The epididymis is sperm rich regions that help provide a good amount of sperm.
MESA(Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) : This procedure is widely considered and involves a microsurgical procedure and uses high magnification techniques for sperm retrieval.
Hormonal treatment: Hormones play a crucial role in every aspect from sperm production to transportation. Hormone therapy can help stabilize the hormones and ensure that high quality and adequate quantities of sperms are produced. This can be done by male infertility specialists in Delhi.
The entire functioning of the male reproductive system is driven by hormones or biochemicals that regulate the cell and organ activity in the male reproductive system. They include :
The sperms produced in the testes are stored in the epididymis and when ejaculated, is transported via the vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts into the female reproductive tract.
Male infertility is commonly caused due to the improper functioning of the testes. Other male infertility conditions and diagnostic tools that can be used to detect are discussed below.
The above diagnosis is considered by the infertility specialist that will open windows to provide the best male infertility treatment in Delhi for the actual cause.

Male infertility specialists in Delhi will provide you with the best treatment options for male infertility after a complete diagnosis. The treatment options can be :
Take Away
Male infertility equally accounts for an unsuccessful pregnancy as a female infertility problem. Male infertility specialists in Delhi analyze the precise cause of such conditions. Treatment options for male infertility include minimally invasive procedures and hormone therapy that should be done and guided well by your infertility specialist.
The best male infertility treatment in Delhi is provided at Prime IVF clinic with its state-of-the-art technology and tailored infertility treatment for men from specialists is exceptional.