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Understanding IVF Success Rates: 10 Ways to Boost Your Chances of IVF Pregnancy

Best IVF Centre in Gurgaon
  • 26 Aug, 2021
  • IVF and Infertility
  • infertility
  • Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Nishi Singh
  • Author: Prime IVF Centre

IVF or in vitro fertilization is a method of assisted reproduction technique in which a man’s sperm and a woman’s eggs are brought together in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryos (one or more) are transferred into the uterus, where they implant in the uterus lining and result in a successful pregnancy.

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  1. The Success Rate of IVF

  2. 10 ways to boost your chances of IVF Pregnancy


The success rate of IVF

However, about 50% of the time, couples may need an average of about 3 IVF's to achieve a successful pregnancy. Considering the time, cost and effort involved along with the emotional stress that couples experience, we break down a few ways to improve the IVF treatment success rates and proceed towards a pregnancy.

The process of IVF involves the induction and monitoring of a woman's ovulatory pattern to retrieve the eggs at the time of ovulation. It is then followed by culturing the eggs for about 2 to 6 days and then transferring them to the uterus. This is done to establish a successful pregnancy. 

A successful IVF cycle results in the implantation of the fertilized embryo in the woman’s uterus causing a positive pregnancy and resulting in a healthy and live birth. Worldwide data suggests that the success rate of an IVF cycle ranges from 45%- 48%. In India, the success rate of IVF varies between 40%-45%. About 32% of women show a success rate of IVF the first time. It depends on various factors such as the age of both partners, the cause of infertility, and the general and reproductive health of the couple.

Just as with any other procedure, IVF has its pros and cons. Go here to learn more: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Advantages and Disadvantages. You must consult with your fertility specialist to decide the best choice for you.

The success rate of IVF at Prime IVF Centre

The success rate of IVF is variable and is influenced by factors such as:

  • Age
  • Cause and duration of infertility
  • The quality of sperm and eggs
  • Ovulatory dysfunction
  • History of previous pregnancy
  • The lifestyle of the couple involved
  • Condition of the uterus

Age- Age is a critical factor in the success of IVF that we can't control. The success rate of IVF varies with age.

Below 35 years
35-37 years35%
38-39 years
40-42 years19%
43-45 years
8- 9%
More than 45 years2-3%

IVF success rates over 40 are very minimal and an important criterion in patient selection for the specific type of assisted reproduction. The IVF success rate by age is thus inversely proportional to the age of the patient.

  • Cause and duration of infertility - The cause of infertility can be either male or female or both. Sperm factors account for those from the male and female factors including egg quality, the conducive atmosphere of the uterus to implant an embryo, cervical abnormalities, uterine polyps or fibroids, etc.  IVF success rates by age influence the overall IVF treatment success rates.
  • Ovulatory dysfunction- This accounts for about 20-30% of infertility in women and includes a variety of disorders that cause irregular or no ovulation.
  • Quality of sperm and eggs- The quality of sperm in terms of concentration, morphology, and motility influences IVF success rates. A good quality sperm has a fertilization capacity of around 79% which drops to about 66% when the quality of sperm decreases. 
  • Similarly, the egg quality in terms of being genetically normal or abnormal is an important determinant of IVF success rate. Poor quality eggs increase the chance of miscarriage, birth defects, abnormalities, and implantation failure. IVF success rates under 35 are very good due to the best egg quality
  • The history of previous unsuccessful pregnancies may point towards correcting the cause in subsequent IVF cycles.

The lifestyle of the couple, habits, etc also leverage the IVF success rates

10 ways to boost your chances of IVF Pregnancy

Gain thorough knowledge of the process - Before deciding about going in for an IVF, you must gain information about how the process is done, what are the criteria for being an eligible candidate for IVF treatment, etc. Also, talking to couples who have delivered successfully is important from a validation point of view.

Before deciding on the IVF center, always ensure  the following:

  • The pregnancy rate per embryo implantation
  • The skill and expertise of the fertility specialist
  • Authorization details of the IVF clinic
  • The total expenditure of the IVF package
  • The cost involved in embryo storage and culture

The right fertility clinic answers all your questions and concerns and, provide detailed information, and discuss the pros and cons of the procedure and whether it is right for you, such as this- Best IVF Clinic In Gurgaon Delhi NCR

Choose the right specialist and stay persistent- Even with the best fertility specialist, many patients require more than one IVF cycle to generate the best embryo for transfer. It is imperative to be patient and stay positive.

Staying active and maintaining a healthy body weight is primary in increasing the chances of conceiving through IVF. Physical activity of about 45 minutes to about an hour daily keeps the metabolism regulated and helps to maintain good body weight. This improves the chances of implantation and conception, thus improving success rates.

Watch what you eat- A healthy diet consisting of the right amount of fats, carbohydrates, and protein improves the health of the internal system and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Tips for a healthy diet include:

  • Any variation in your hormonal levels could cause erratic dysfunction of the ovaries. Zinc is a mineral that maintains hormonal levels. Include a good amount of dairy products, grains, meat, potatoes, and nuts, in your diet to meet the daily requirement of zinc.
  • Drink enough water- Fertility experts advise couples to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to avoid dehydration and improve sperm and egg quality.
  • Include healthy carbohydrates- Incorporating a healthy amount of carbs in your diet provides the much-needed energy that is required to produce healthy embryos. Good choices are whole wheat, millets, brown rice, fresh fruits, etc. It will supplement the body with the right amount of carbs and boost IVF success rates. 
  • Include folic acid - The role of folic acid in the prevention of birth defects has been well documented. If you are planning to conceive, it is advised to start taking folic acid supplements a few months before. In the same way, folate supplementation through diet and other means decrease the likelihood of developmental defects such as spina bifida. 
  • Watch your protein- The hormone levels in your body and the egg quality are directly governed by the type and quality of protein level and intake. Legumes, nuts, seafood, milk, and milk products are good sources of quality protein
  • Some foods to avoid or limit while planning to conceive through IVF are raw eggs, alcohol, caffeine, uncooked seafood, white sugar, and certain types of cheese
IVF Success Diet

To expand more on dietary tips about IVF, visit here- IVF Success Diet Tips: Foods to Eat & Foods to Avoid During Treatment (

Sperm health matters- Yes, it is true and of paramount importance. Right from fertilization to the development of a healthy embryo, the quality of sperm about motility, count, and appearance matters. The ability to stay viable, swim to the egg and fertilize it resulting in successful implantation.

Many times, in a couple struggling with infertility, the onus is on the woman to effectively conceive, but men are also equally responsible to contribute to a healthy baby. Some steps that you may take to maintain the health of the sperm are:

  1. A cool exterior- The sperms are stored in the testes and it is critical to maintaining the temperature of the testes to ensure good quality sperms
  2. Keep it “safe”- Do not wear too-tight jeans or undergarments. If you are someone who is into sports such as football, cricket, or martial arts, use a cup to protect the area.

Stay away from "external toxins"- If your occupation exposes you to environmental toxins, it may deteriorate sperm quality, make sure to use protective wear to reduce exposure and maintain quality. To know how these factors impact sperm quality and fertility, go here- Best male infertility treatment in Delhi | Male Infertility Specialist in Delhi

Quit smoking- The negative impact of smoking on IVF has been well established. It decreases the quantity of semen, impacts motility, and alters the appearance. All this, in turn, impedes the ability to cause fertilization, develop a healthy embryo, and increase the risk of miscarriage which is the worst possible outcome.

Endometrial thickness is a very significant factor in the implantation of the embryo. Some women have a thin endometrial lining that is not conducive to the implantation of the embryo. To improve the implantation chances, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is used. This increases the thickening of the endometrium, thus laying the stage for a possible successive pregnancy.

PRP( protein-rich plasma) is another agent that is used to thicken the endometrium to a favorable level and promote implantation and success rate in IVF

Taking supplements- The right amount of vitamins, minerals, etc are critical to maintaining sperm and egg quality. So, take a supplement as per the advice of your fertility specialist

Be patient and reduce stress- Stress is one of the main causes of infertility and so it is very important to reduce stress levels. Develop a hobby, practice breathing exercises, and perform relaxation techniques to stay away from stress. Read on to find out more- Does Stress Cause Infertility in Females?

Take Away

Prime Infertility Centre is established by a team of very passionate, highly experienced, and committed doctors with the sole aim of providing comprehensive infertility solutions to couples under one roof with high ethical standards, complete transparency, and at a very affordable rate.

Prime IVF center is the place for you if you are looking for a team of compassionate and highly skilled doctors. We place the patient’s priority on top of everything else. Backed with a state of the art and most advanced technology, coupled with one of the best IVF success rates in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR using the latest protocols, Prime IVF is committed to offering you the best outcome. We maintain a highly ethical and professional approach that creates an atmosphere of comfort for the couple.

To schedule a consultation, feel cared for, and take off on your journey towards parenting!!

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Disclaimer : The content on the website is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional advice or prescription. Every individual and their case is different, so the results of any of the treatments mentioned on the website may vary. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Gender selection and Gender counselling is banned under The PCPNDT Act 1994 As per the Act, it is illegal to use any technique to identify the sex of a foetus after conception. We neither support nor practice sex / gender selection during any kind of treatment including IVF. We strongly condemn sex / gender selection in any form of treatment.

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