How to increase sperm count?

- 29 Sep, 2022
- IVF and Infertility
- infertility
- Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Nishi Singh
- Author: Prime IVF Centre
Infertility is one of the most common reasons when a couple is unable to get pregnant. It is well observed that female infertility and treatment options are discussed quite often, and male infertility remains undiagnosed and neglected at times.
Just as much as a woman's health and the quality of her eggs, the health of men's sperm and semen also impacts a couple who wishes to conceive. In reality, the health of the sperm and semen affects the health of the embryo and even the overall health of the pregnancy. Low sperm count or oligospermia frequently plays a part in male factor fertility challenges, accounting for 30% of cases when a couple needs assisted reproductive technology (ART) to conceive.
Table Of Content
- Choose wholesome, nutrient-rich foods
- Reduce tension
- Exercise Regularly
- Give up on drinking and smoking
- Maintain laptops at your workstation
- Treat underlying health issues
- Try Wearing boxers
It's a complicated process from conception to birth. The chances of conceiving get quite affected and hampered due to oligospermia or low sperm counts. Research indicates that sperm is responsible for 40% to 50% of infertility.
Even though males are not the ones who carry the child, their health, precisely the condition of their sperm, significantly impacts a healthy pregnancy. One of the main factors affecting male fertility is sperm quality. Male infertility can be caused by low sperm motility and count.
A low sperm count makes it less likely that your sperm will fertilize your partner's egg and cause pregnancy. This does not prohibit you from having children, either, as numerous treatments are available for men thinking about becoming parents.
Smoking, consuming alcohol, taking certain drugs, and having a chronic condition are just a few of the things that can affect sperm count. The male reproductive system depends on minerals and vitamins, just like any other organ in the body. Foods can have a favorable impact on a person's reproductive health. It can boost testosterone production, increasing sperm count, sperm quality, and sperm motility.
Before choosing the medicated treatments, men might try a variety of home remedies and methods to boost their sperm count.
According to the healthcare specialist, a "normal" sperm count ranges from 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. The World Health Organization's recommendations also state that sperm counts below 15 million per milliliter are considered low.
Things You Should Do To Increase Sperm Count
#1. Choose wholesome, nutrient-rich foods
Not just the mom's nutritional requirements will be tested during the pregnancy; men also require nutrients that increase fertility. According to research, expectant fathers require vitamin C, E, zinc, and folic acid, primarily found in nutritious meals like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein.
Walnuts and other foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, have also been demonstrated to improve sperm quality. Additionally, deficiencies of the vitamins C, D, and E, zinc, selenium, folic acid, and good fats like omega-3 fatty acids may affect the quantity and quality of sperm.
On the other hand, some nutrients are damaging to sperm. Semen quality can be affected by diets rich in saturated fats (fried foods, fatty or processed meats, and baked products).
#2. Reduce tension
Men who experience stress are more likely to have reduced sperm counts in their ejaculate, and sperm that do exist are more likely to be poorly shaped or impaired motile. Stress may result in the release of steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids, which can reduce sperm production and testosterone levels.
As a result, attempting to decompress from stress, worry, and tension can aid males in producing more sperm. They should make sure to get enough rest and exercise periodically (but avoid ultramarathons; it has been proven that excessive exercise reduces testosterone levels and sperm quality). They should also anticipate practising relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.

#3. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise has numerous health benefits, including raising testosterone levels and enhancing fertility. Studies show active men have higher testosterone levels and higher-quality sperm than inactive males. Make getting physically active your top priority if you rarely exercise yet wish to increase your fertility.
#4. Give up on drinking and smoking
Lower sperm counts have been associated with recreational drug use and smoking. A man's sperm count can also be reduced if he is an excessive and regular drinker. These behaviours combined are highly damaging to male fertility.
Additionally, research indicates that males who smoke have weaker libido desires and engage in less intercourse frequently. Additionally, smoking, using recreational drugs, and drinking alcohol may impact their effectiveness in the bedroom. The best course of action is to drastically reduce or, even better, eliminate all of these.
#5. Maintain laptops at your workstation
Men who use laptops on their laps had reduced sperm counts, according to research, possibly as a result of the heat generated by the computer raising the temperature of the testes, which reduces sperm count. Men should refrain from using their laptops or other electronic gadgets near their reproductive organs for a long time to avoid heat generation. Using a lap tray, a workstation, or a comfortable table is suggested while working on laptops.
#6. Treat underlying health issues
Illnesses and infections can also impact fertility. For instance, untreated diabetes can cause retrograde ejaculation, resulting in infertility. Up to one-third of people with diabetes are unaware of the disease. Ask a medical professional to check your blood sugar if you have been diagnosed with retrograde ejaculation.
Men can also have infertility due to untreated urinary tract infections or reproductive system infections. For instance, decreased sperm motility may result from STIs (sexually transmitted illnesses). Repeated infections might result in scarring, which can obstruct semen flow.
Maintaining excellent health is essential whether you are considering getting pregnant or have been trying for some time. Maintain regular dental and physical examinations, and alter your lifestyle as much as possible.
#7. Try Wearing boxers
Briefs or boxers? When it comes to becoming parents, boxers are the solution. Your scrotum may become overly warm due to wearing clothing with a tight crotch, which may reduce sperm production. It is well proven that males who wore comfortable boxers had more sperm than people who wore briefs.
Male infertility is a widespread issue. There is nothing shameful about it. You can increase your loads in a variety of ways. If homemade remedies or lifestyle alterations don't work, consult your doctor. Based on your particular needs, they can assist you in locating the ideal options.
There are numerous medical treatments available. Several medications can treat hormonal abnormalities and erectile dysfunction. Additionally, minor surgery can treat anatomical problems like blocked sperm transmission due to vascular enlargement in the testicles (also known as varicocele) and damage from injuries. A fertility specialist may advise intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, or more fertility medications for couples having trouble getting pregnant.
Maintaining excellent health is essential whether you are considering trying to get a baby on board. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and do regular physical examinations as much as possible. The likelihood of getting pregnant can be increased by adopting healthy lifestyle habits that encourage fertility and avoiding behaviours that can harm it.
If you and your partner are not able to conceive and want to get tested for infertility, schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist. They may be able to identify the root of the issue and offer solutions that can get you both on the right track.