Does Covid-19 Affect Male Fertility?

- 26 Aug, 2021
- IVF and Infertility
- infertility
- Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Nishi Singh
- Author: Prime IVF Centre
Ever since the beginning of the pandemic, more and more people have either succumbed to the novel coronavirus or have reported experiencing long-term side effects even after full recovery. Although there are ongoing studies to find the extent of damage the Sars-CoV-2 virus has on the body of the infected person, scientists have made an interesting finding during the same.
A few researchers have found an adverse impact of Covid-19 on male fertility, some of which are even long-term. Although the degree and availability of these scientific studies are limited and in the preliminary stages, the researchers have said with conviction that the virus does hamper male fertility. It is also dangerous for women’s Pregnancy in Covid.
Here, we will be discussing everything one should know about the correlation between Covid-19 and its adverse side effects on the male reproductive system.
Table of Contents
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1. Effect of Covid-19 on Male Reproductive System
Ever since the inception of the Covid-19 in Wuhan, China, one of the most commonly reported outcomes of the virus was reported on the male reproductive system. Current reports suggest that the primary impact on the reproductive system is part of the inflammatory response of the cytokine storm that follows the infection.
Multiple studies have also found high levels of ACE2 in the testicular cells, especially around the seminiferous duct cells and the Leydig and Sertoli cells in the reproductive tract. Despite all the available studies and reports, the only question swirling in people’s minds is whether the Covid-19 causes permanent damage to the testicular cells and the sperm health of the infected person.
Initial reports suggest that the primary pathological mechanism of the Coronavirus is binding to the ACE2 receptors to replicate and infect the body. So, a spike in the levels of ACE2 in the testicular cells indicates a higher degree of viral invasion, impacting the functions and possibly the physiology as well.
2. What do the Studies Suggest?
Initial studies reiterating the impacts of Covid on Male fertility are quite sparse. The number of available studies needs a lot more research to draw a definitive conclusion.
One of the most notable studies was published by Cemile Seymen from Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences, in Ankara, Turkey. The paper was published in the Journal of Medical Virology.
This study emphasizes the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2), which plays a crucial role in impacting the male reproductive system in the infected patients.
Here’s what the study has to say:
Prevalence of ACE2 in Male Genital Tract
One of the first conducted studies found a heightened expression of the ACE2 mRNA in the genetic and somatic cells of the testis. A few other studies also found a prevalent presence of ACE2 in the sperm cells along with the different parts of the male genital tract, including Leydig cells and Sertoli cells.
Another study that involved the examination of the post-mortem tissues from the testes of 12 Covid-19 infected males found heightened levels of inflammation and cytoplasmic dilution around the Sertoli and Leydig cells. These samples were compared with males who didn’t come in contact with the virus and the difference in results was pretty stark.
Impacts of TMPRSS2 on the Male Genital Tract
Not just ACE2, even TMPRSS2 was found to have lasting impacts on the functions of the male genital tract, leading to the belief that the impacts of Covid-19 on male fertility stem from multiple causes and not just one.
The role of TMPRSS2 is to prepare the spike protein to ensure the correct attachment of the virus to the host membrane for replication in the body. The study found a heightened expression of this enzyme in the prostate’s epithelium, making the scientists believe that the virus does leave lasting impacts on the reproductive health of the infected patient.
Seymen further emphasizes that the heightened presence of this enzyme in the prostate gland enhances the degree of infection in the gland, affecting the rate of secretion of the fluids.
Correlation between Impacts on Nervous System and Male Fertility
Another notable effect of Covid on male fertility comes from the impacts on the nervous system. Studies have found that the prevalent impacts of the virus on the central nervous system affect the endocrine control and secretion in the body, leading to altered spermatogenesis.
Impacts on the CNS also contribute to reduced levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which negatively impact the functions of the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells in the male reproductive tract.
Also, being infected with Coronavirus is extremely stressful and has impacted the mental health of the patients, leading to heightened levels of cortisol and prolactin, which are associated with reduced sperm volume, sperm count, and motility.

3. Can Covid-19 be Transmitted Sexually?
Yes, it is possible to contract Covid-19 via sexual activities.
Although there isn’t any direct evidence of whether the virus can be transmitted via semen or vaginal fluids, a few initial studies conducted by Chinese scientists have found traces of the virus in the semen of the infected males who are recovering from the infection.
Since the available data is limited, it is always better to be cautious instead of being reckless and putting someone else’s life at risk. Instead, if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid, it is always advised to seek immediate medical help and isolate yourself.
Take Away
There are a very limited number of studies that discuss the Covid-19 male fertility impact at this point. So, to draw final conclusions from these few studies is not viable at this point. However, the preliminary studies do point out the fact that the Covid-19 infection does have predominant (and possibly lasting) impacts on male fertility.
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