11 Ways to Manage Stress During Fertility Treatment

- 22 Dec, 2022
- IVF and Infertility
- infertility
- Medically Reviewed By:
Dr. Nishi Singh
- Author: Prime IVF Centre
The sympathetic nervous system's response to a triggering event is known as "stress." Since pregnancy is a life-changing experience, it's normal to feel stressed at times. It is critical to maintaining both your mental and physical health.
Is stress harmful to my fertility treatment?
Stress is a normal aspect of life; thus, not every stress is harmful. But chronic stress may be a threat. Chronic stress can cause anxiety and depression, and the more of these symptoms you experience while receiving therapy, the more likely it is that you will discontinue.
Stress has less of a direct effect on your outcome than it does on your levels of depression and anxiety, which can eventually affect how motivated you are to keep racing the fertility coaster.
Here are 11 ways to manage stress throughout each phase of pregnancy.
What are the ways to reduce stress during fertility treatment?
Try these stress management techniques to help you relax and concentrate on your fertility treatment with positivity.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness enables you to connect with the environment around you in the present moment, rather than becoming trapped in negative feelings. Pay close attention to the sounds, sights, odours, and other sensations you experience while going about your daily routines. Spend some time every day pausing and focusing on your ideas.
There are several mindfulness workshops, courses, and applications available, both for free and for a fee. You may start with a few free ones to see which mindfulness practises work best for you to manage stress.
Consider complementary stress management treatments
A massage is an excellent tool for stress control, and there is evidence that supports its use in treating anxiety and depression during fertility treatment. Pregnancy massage therapies are also widely available in salons and spas. Just be certain that your therapist is certified and has previous work experience with such treatments.
Reiki is a Japanese stress management practise that also aids healing. Since reiki heals the whole person—emotions, body, spirit, and mind—it has numerous positive effects, especially relaxation and a sense of security, wellbeing, and peace.
Yoga is an effective stress therapy. Yoga involves stretching and rhythmic breathing, which can make your mind and body feel more at ease. You should look for moderate yoga during fertility treatment, such as yin yoga. Hot yoga, which is practised in extremely hot spaces, should be avoided.
Share your mental health concerns
Don't be hesitant to express your real feelings. Talking things through can help you feel better and reduce stress. Reaching out to a family member or a friend you can share or trust your feelings with is one of the best things you can do to reduce stress.
It's preferable if you can meet face-to-face and spend time together, but if that's not possible, a telephone conversation, group meetup, or video chat can help you interact and share psychological support.
Eat well
Eating healthfully in accordance with your treatment plan is beneficial for your brain, body, and therapy. When you're depressed, eating healthy is not always simple. However, even the simplest changes can improve your mood and aid in stress treatment.
Dehydration can also impair concentration and clarity of thought. Therefore, be careful to drink the appropriate number of glasses of liquids each day.
Take a walk
Exercise is well known for its ability to reduce stress; however, it may not be a good idea to exercise intensely during fertility treatment.
Walking is a great low-impact activity option. Walking increases the production of brain chemicals that reduce stress, just like other forms of exercise. Walking may elevate your mood and make you feel energised and refreshed.
Get enough sleep and rest
Pay attention to your body. Take a rest or go to sleep if you're feeling worn out, then go to bed early. Sleep is essential for everyone's mental wellbeing, and it also contributes to successful stress management and fertility treatment.
A mental health toolbox
Creating a mental health toolbox is a great way to make sure you have access to self-care tools when you need them. Here are some ideas for items to include in your toolbox: A library of your favourite music to lift you up, encouraging notes from family or friends, photographs of your dear ones, positive affirmations, meditation or relaxation applications, contact details of individuals you can trust, or other tools may be helpful to manage stress.
Become informed
Gaining as much knowledge as possible about your fertility treatment will aid in your decision-making and make you feel more at ease. Asking a lot of questions will help you take an active role in your care and reduce stress.
Take help
It can be highly beneficial to speak with a mental health expert (such as a psychologist) who focuses on infertility problems and fertility treatment. These professionals can assist you in stress management, finding resources and assistance, and investigating various coping mechanisms.
Remember to seek medical advice from your doctor and the care team rather than from Google or the internet. Your healthcare professional will be able to address any concerns or questions you may have while offering you personalised guidance and support.
It is never too late (or too soon) to start stress management
Finding the solutions that are best for you and your individual challenges is key. If the first method you attempt doesn't help, don't give up because there are so many more options available to you that can assist you in managing and reducing stress.
The emotional management of your fertility journey is significant to you because it is an individual one. Remember that there are several tools available to assist you in going through it as smoothly as possible. Beginning to apply any of these to your daily routine can greatly aid in stress management before, during, and after treatment.
Working with an experienced and caring medical team, like the one at Prime IVF Clinic, is one of the best methods to reduce stress on your path to conception. For couples coping with infertility, we offer a wide range of services. To learn more about how we can support you, schedule an appointment by phone or online soon.